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How to stay motivated?

We are all facing difficult times. The outbreak of COVID-19, coronavirus has led us to a lot of worries and insecurities. But we need to stay strong. Motivated. Find inspiration to do good things in such bad times. To help ourselves, to help each other. To keep growing. Not letting life stop.

We need to stay motivated. Find opportunities in this crisis. Build ourselves for a completely different future. Keep learning new things and updating ourselves to adapt to the transformation the world is going to face after this pandemic.

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. -Winston Churchill

However, 'stay motivated' is easier said than done. It is very obvious to feel a little low, a little tensed with the things going on in our surroundings. To feel as if, there's nothing left to do.

And that's why we have come up with a list of things that you can do to stay motivated.

Dig into the article to find out.

Here's how you can stay motivated and work towards achieving your goals:

1. Fix your goals first:

How to stay motivated
  • Make a list of goals that includes short-term and long-term goals

  • Try to do things that you like the most or something that keeps your mind fresh in the morning. For example, start your day with exercise and your favorite breakfast and then go on with your daily routine

  • Try to complete short goals. This will increase your confidence and you can go achieve your next target

  • If you have completed your short-term goals with dedication then you are only a few steps away from completing your long-term goals

  • Differentiate between your wants, needs, and desires. Choose the path that will lead you to complete needful tasks at first. This in turn will reduce your stress

2. Don’t Get Overwhelmed:

If you are stuck at some point, relax, take a break. Go back and start again. Don't be stressed. Don't get overwhelmed.

How to stay motivated

These points will help you to keep yourself on track and stay motivated:

  • Take a break for a while and reorganize all your thoughts

  • Break your task into smaller parts so that you can notice where you made a mistake. Doing this will also allow you to rectify your mistakes without a lot of hard work

3. Don’t get demotivated:

Some of the reasons that can be the cause of demotivation are as follows:

  • Your goals are not clearly set

  • There is no clarity or vision in what you want to do

  • You feel alone and try to avoid people

  • If you are surrounded by negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, or stress

  • Lack of confidence

In order to avoid all these and increase your level of motivation, set realistic goals. Clearly defined goals will in turn show you a clear path to achieve them. Challenge yourself to complete those within time.

Open up in front of people. Express yourself. Express your ideas. This can make you feel confident and motivated. People will eventually notice your strengths and appreciate you for your good work.

4. Make a chart:

  • Make a chart of your goal and pin that chart in your room.

  • By the end of the day write a note on what you have done to achieve your goal on that day. This will help you to stay motivated and track your success

  • Maintain a journal

How to stay motivated

5. Reward Yourself and Others:

Make a promise to yourself that after doing a certain task in time, you will treat yourself. It will help you to boost up your mood and your energy.

Implement the reward system for major tasks that you need to get done. This way, you can be your own reason for your happiness.

No matter how small of a reward you decide to give yourself but make sure that it acts as a stress buster for you.

You can also do this for your co-workers and friends. You can reward your co-workers so that they will also feel motivated in doing their work and you will also feel satisfied with what you have done.

How to stay motivated

6. Try to learn from your mistakes:

Figure out where you went wrong. Find out the reason behind the mistake.

Don't blame yourself for not being able to get a task done. It is okay to make mistakes.

Don't be too harsh on yourself. Make sure you learn from these mistakes and don't repeat them again.

How to stay motivated

7. Together you can!:

Many times you try to do things all by yourself. Alone. Hesitating to ask for help.

You can get a job done all by yourself sometimes. But sometimes, you require inputs from others.

Ask for an expert opinion. It will give you many new and efficient ideas to do a particular task. You will get encouragement and ideas to boost the quality and speed of your work.

It will also benefit the organization and improve your knowledge of a particular subject.

Now that you know what can you do to keep yourself motivated, stay positive, and get going.

Difficult times won't last forever. We need to make sure that we don't give up in such difficult times. Condition your mind to think positive and get yourself engaged with your work so that you don't sit and think of all the things that would instill fear and anxiety in your mind.

Try and stay motivated in your daily lives. Get things done with energy. Set goals and accomplish them in a timely manner. Take out some time to pamper yourself. Do things that make you happy. Help out people in need. Spread positivity wherever you go. Believe in yourself. Believe in things changing for betterment. Be positive and you will automatically feel motivated.

Follow the things given in this article to help you get through glum days and go get started!

What's your plan to motivate yourself and the people around you? Let us know in the comments.


For more motivational tips please let me know and visit my website you will find various related blogs and material here.

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